protecting your Data

cybersecurity services


Cybersecurity Services

Due to the increasingly complex market situation, steady internationalization and the growing demand for networking and collaboration of corporate structures, IT plays an existential role in a enterprise structure.

Your corporate network must be adapted to your personal requirements, personnel databases for different hierarchies have to be available and a smooth business operation has to be assured

However, modern data management requires a high degree of safety. Malware or Phishing mails carry a rather small risk, an larger and often underrated risk are targeted attacks by cyber criminals and even your own employees. Also, carelessness can have serious consequences.

The failure of the company’s own IT infrastructure can be costly and existence-threatening, image damages, job losses and costly system restore are the consequences.

As for some time now, the legislature requires from business to protect their business and customer data. See therefore:

 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Malware scanners and Firewalls can only be part of a security policy, because Cybersecurity is not a fact but a process that requires unique solutions and processes for each company.

Cybersecurity Services

We are providing below services according ISO 27001, BSI & GDPR requirements

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    IT-Security Audits

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    IT-Security Policy Preparation / Review

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    GDPR Compliance Services

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    DPO Services

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    Disaster Recovery Plan Preparation / Review

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    Security Awareness Trainings

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    PCI DSS Standard Compliance

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    Penetration Testing ( Black / White Box / Social)

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    Managed Security Services

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    Encryption Solutions

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    Backup Solutions

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    UTM / Firewall Solutions

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    Endpoint Protection Solutions

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    Update Management Solutions

You want to protect your data? . Let’s talk