cloud computing



What is Cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services such as software, databases, servers and networking, over the internet. This means users can access software and applications from wherever they are.

For users, “the cloud” means an always-on connection to web-based applications, e-mails. files, processing and other computing resources. Most people use cloud computing to store and access personal or business data from a remote or private space on the internet.

Which cloud model and which solution is the right one for your company? For which task today and tomorrow? And how can you benefit from the variety of offerings and the cost advantages of cloud computing without having to cut back on security and service?

There are three options for implementing cloud solutions:

• Public Cloud
• Private Cloud
• Hybrid Cloud

A public cloud is available to all interested users via the internet hosted mostly in a Data center of a provider. The basis for the private cloud is an in-house IT network technology, the servers are hosted in the company’s own Data Center/Server Rack and in addition, there is also the hybrid cloud, a hybrid form of both options.

The right option for your company depends on the requirements that are important for the individual task and processes.

Cloud services

What Cloud services is NETECO offering?

Our Cloud services cover the entire spectrum from consulting and integration of cloud infrastructures to the provision of cloud services like Office 365, Microsoft Azure and AWS.

Our Cloud experts are here to find the best suitable Cloud option for your company and your needs by analyzing your company’s business requirements and IT infrastructure.

Based on the findings, we put together an individual managed cloud service package for you based either on Public/Hybrid cloud services such as Microsoft Office 365, Azure and AWS or we implement an Private Cloud Solution for your company based on open source software nextcloud which gives you the full control on where your data is located and secured.

You want to cloud enable your company? . Contact us now